Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Covert Radio – A Small and Easy To Hide Radio

Electromagnetic waves of radio since 1870s have created a revolution in the field of communication and IT. Immediately after its invention, radio became one of the most powerful modes of communication of its time. Although, at present we use radio may be only for listening songs or for the entertaining programs it offers, with the passage of time, some people have recognized many of the benefits the technology of radio has to offer and created different kinds of radios. It can range from license free radio to licensed radios. Electronic gadgets making companies produce different kinds of radios considering its utilities. Some of the kinds of radios are briefly introduced in this article. 

Let me first start with Covert Radio. The name itself suggests its utility. Yes, it’s a hidden radio which can be inbuilt in any of your electronic devices. Some companies even produce it in such a way that it matches with your skin colour and can be inserted in your ear. Then there is this 2 way radio. Using this kind of radio one can communicate with other radios having similar frequency. So here, the transmission is both ways. Even in this kind of radios, there are digital two way radios and analogue radios. Digital radios are the advance ones as they facilitate transmission of texts also.

And then there is PMR radio i.e. Private Mobile Radio that is license free radio for private and commercial use available in majority of the countries of the world.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Establishing a Mobile Radio Standard with DMR

Radios have been used extensively all throughout the time in different parts of the world for one or the other purpose. The radios have been used for defense purposes, emergency purposes, entertainment purpose, communication purpose and many such purposes. These are called radio as they make use of radio waves for establishing connection between transmitter and the receiver. As of now, the most upcoming field where these radio waves are being used is the DMR or the Digital Mobile Radio. These are considered to be the next big thing in the field of communication. The only drawback of radio waves is that they are prone to signal losses and other attenuation. This problem is likely to be solved by using wireless repeater that can be placed at some distance from the transmitter. 

This wireless repeater receives the signal from the transmitter and re-processes the signal and converts it into a strong signal in the form of a zero phase wavelet pulse. The only problem that might be faced is that a number of such repeaters would be required to cover long distances and at every repeater there is going to be a signal loss. 
DMR has been recognized as an established standard in the field of mobile radios and there are researches going on to improve on the technology so that it can be extended to a global level. 
The only problem that is being faced while trying to go on a global scale is the cost of infrastructure that would increase drastically with the current technologies that are available.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Walkie Talkie – The Best Portable Device for Amazing Voice Quality

In the world of broadcasting, the two way radio has owned lots of fame because of its outstanding features. It is capable of transmitting and receiving the signal at a time, therefore is also known as transceivers. It offers incessant performance despite having acrid environment. It is available in various electronic products like mobile, stationary base, and walkie talkie or handie-talkie. The walkie talkie is handheld portable transceiver. One of the remarkable benefits of using walkie talkie is that it is available for all types of sectors; whether government or private, individual or group, or corporate or social. It plays a very crucial role in the armed forces by offering constant performance even in harsh environment.

The wireless radio often called the portable radio, is easy to carry and has the incredible voice quality even though dropped or operated in the toughest condition and environment.
MPT Trunking is the most popular Trunking system for trunked mobile radio technology. This Trunking system can be easily set up and available at cost effective rates. It allows the user to access the network by sharing a set of frequencies and thus ensures the magnificent sound quality without any disturbance. The MPT Trunking offers great assistance to Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) and thus allows it to provide superior broadcasting networks for users. PMR solution offers ceaseless conversation facility to the users suffering from jamming network problems. The electronic device repeater allows the broadcaster to increase signal strength and thus gives the better voice quality. Wireless repeater offers help by reducing the impact of obstruction that may affect the wireless connection. It is cost effective and easy to connect.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Improve the Country's Security by Using Police Radio

Because of global terrorism, each and every country is strengthening their security structure. For hi-tech security, apart from deploying latest weapons, the better intra communication among the security personnel also plays a very crucial role. Using a police radio, one can have the amazing intra communication quality during the time of emergency incident. It can be easily operable in the control room of the police station and can direct the police personnel to the spot of emergency incident. The safety and security of the airport are the primary aim of country's security agency.
Using the airport radio, one can easily manage the crowd during the peak days or holidays. With use of it, the airport security personnel can get the secret information about criminals from the central security agency and can keep the vigil march throughout the airport.
The marine radio can be used for various purposes. It plays a magnificent role during the time of rescue operation. It allows the marine operator to communicate with the harbours, locks, bridges, and marinas with the outstanding voice quality. The TETRA radio is also a kind of walkie talkie which proved to be operable in and withstand the adverse condition of the environment. It plays the important role in metro communications by offering help in rail and road transportation services, emergency services, fire and safety services, etc. The walkie talkie like a trunked radio has incredible battery durability and offer full network signal even in low network area. It offers high voice quality by using Narrowband codecs technology.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Walkie Talkies – A Compaq and Easiest Means of Sharing Messages

Walkie talkies are the handheld tools popularly known as two way radios also. This system functions on the principle of half duplex, wherein messages can be sent and received one at a time. Users have to press the button present in walkie talkie to send the message and have to release it to receive the message. Their functionality is not bound to any time duration or size duration. Users can send longer messages also. Walkie talkies are mostly used in malls, defence offices, commercials and also for personal use in large distances.

If we recall the old days, our parents use to make trunk calls. You must have wondered ample of times thinking about the meaning. Trunk calls follow Trunking systems wherein from single frequency, multiple connections can operate. This enables easy and secured sharing of information within the organization. Though there are many modes of communications available in the world due to technological development, the base for these modes remains the signals of the network. There is a huge indoor and outdoor coverage problem in rural or congested areas.  Repeaters amplify the existing signals from the nearby base transceiver system and provide fair coverage and voice quality.

Continuous growth have evolved the production of DMR Radio (Digital mobile radio) providing services of optimum privacy to the confidential conversations and also providing good coverage and voice quality. Terrestrial trunked radio (Tetra) is yet another radio derived from ETSI. It works on two RF’s (radio frequency) and used mainly by government projects, hospitals and commercial offices.