Friday, 23 November 2012

Establishing a Mobile Radio Standard with DMR

Radios have been used extensively all throughout the time in different parts of the world for one or the other purpose. The radios have been used for defense purposes, emergency purposes, entertainment purpose, communication purpose and many such purposes. These are called radio as they make use of radio waves for establishing connection between transmitter and the receiver. As of now, the most upcoming field where these radio waves are being used is the DMR or the Digital Mobile Radio. These are considered to be the next big thing in the field of communication. The only drawback of radio waves is that they are prone to signal losses and other attenuation. This problem is likely to be solved by using wireless repeater that can be placed at some distance from the transmitter. 

This wireless repeater receives the signal from the transmitter and re-processes the signal and converts it into a strong signal in the form of a zero phase wavelet pulse. The only problem that might be faced is that a number of such repeaters would be required to cover long distances and at every repeater there is going to be a signal loss. 
DMR has been recognized as an established standard in the field of mobile radios and there are researches going on to improve on the technology so that it can be extended to a global level. 
The only problem that is being faced while trying to go on a global scale is the cost of infrastructure that would increase drastically with the current technologies that are available.

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